Cursillo: Give it a Try
As many of you know, I returned from Cursillo a few weeks ago. A handful of persistent parishioners had been hounding me to go almost as soon as I set foot in St. John’s five years ago. I won’t name any names, (Kat Daily, Will Gunter, Anne Tippett), but I finally relented and agreed to go. I was definitely a “reluctant pilgrim.” But why was I?
I was reluctant to go because I thought it would be like two other programs I attended when I was in high school and college. Those two programs were very “charismatic” and I did not feel at home in the environment. Those programs also felt mildly coercive in that if one wasn’t participating in the manner expected, then there was something “wrong” with you. Much to my relief, the Cursillo weekend run by the diocese of Alabama was not like my two previous experiences. There were some very interesting, inspiring, and deeply moving talks as well as some hilariously fun activities. I haven’t laughed like I did in a very, very long time. And, best of all, my fellow pilgrims and the staff were great. The weekend was well-run and thoughtfully put together. By the way, a Cursillo weekend is not a retreat. Rather, Cursillo means “short course,” so it is more of a “get back to Christian basics” program. Think of it as a fun and gentle “Episcopal boot camp”, with an emphasis on the “camp.”
So, go to Cursillo if:
- You want to get away from it all for a few days.
- You want to enjoy a nice weekend at our beautiful Camp McDowell.
- You are feeling in a spiritual rut and need some reinvigoration.
- You want to think afresh about your faith.
- You want to renew your commitment to Christ and Christian discipleship.
- You want to make some meaningful connections with Christians from other parishes in the diocese.
- You look forward to laughing but won’t be afraid to cry a little, too.
- You want to experience prayer and worship every day.
- You want to be surprised.
- You want to feel loved.
Finally, I would also suggest that this would be a great event for couples to attend together as well. It could serve as a foundation to help strengthen your marriage and help you think afresh about keeping Christ at the center of your life as a couple and as a household.
Over 100 current active parishioners at St. John’s have been to Cursillo. If you would like to be added to the ranks, there are two more events scheduled for this year.
Cursillo: #229 September 14th-17th. (Duncan on staff)
Cursillo: #230 October 19th-22nd.
If you’d like to go, contact J.R. Marshall or Anne Tippett.
For details on Alabama Cursillo, checkout their website.
Give it a try.
Faithfully, Deonna+