Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The church is open to all. Come in, sit, rest, and pray.


7:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite I (In-person only)

9:15 Rector's Forum discussion group in Library

10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite II (both in-person and online via FB & YouTube)


7:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (In-person only) in Chapel

8:30 a.m. - Lectio Divinia Bible Study in Library


11:30 a.m. - Contemplative Prayer Group in Library


12:05 p.m. – Healing Eucharist, Rite II (In-person only) in Chapel

Click here for worship times Close

Ministries 2024

The following is a comprehensive list of ministry opportunities at St. John’s. If you are interested in serving or have questions about any of these opportunities, email or call 334.262.1937.

Be sure and join us for our Ministry Fair happening Sept. 8 at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall to meet ministry leaders and find the place you were meant to serve!


Choir. Music is a vital and beloved part of our life. The choir sings music from a range of styles and traditions each Sunday at 10:30. 

Bazaar The ECW sponsors the annual Bazaar held every November. A variety of home-made foods and crafts are sold. There is also a secondhand shop and a silent auction room. Proceeds from the event are donated to a local charity. 

Flower Guild. The flower arrangers are responsible for displaying flowers on the altar each Sunday. They promote a sense of beauty and artistry to help worshipers connect with the magnificence of God. 

Flower Delivery. Flowers from the altar are arranged into individual vases which the flower deliverers take to members of the parish who are unable to attend church. 


Vacation Bible School. Every June the area Episcopal churches come together to offer a four-day VBS for preschool through sixth grade. 

Confirmation Class. St. John’s takes seriously the call to make disciples of our young people. Each winter we run an in-depth class for sixth grade and above in the basics of the Christian faith, as practiced in the Episcopal tradition. This class culminates in receiving the sacrament of confirmation by the Bishop of Alabama. 

Club 56. Youth in grades 5th & 6th get together once a month for a fun get together.  The club helps this age group transition from traditional children’s Christian education into the teen focused EYC. 

EYC. The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) meets regularly on Sunday mornings, Sunday afternoons, and Wednesday evenings for fellowship, fun and discussion.  All youth in grades 7-12 are welcome. 

Sunday School. Our lively and growing Sunday School program is open to children from preschool age through sixth grade. The children follow a curriculum linked to the readings and sermons the adults are experiencing. Volunteer teachers add great richness to the program. 


Finance Committee. This ministry is responsible for drafting the annual budget before it is presented to the Vestry and the Annual Parish Meeting. This committee also keeps an eye on the general financial health of the parish. 

Stewardship Committee. This group of strategic thinkers helps to encourage parishioners to answer God’s call to disciplined and proportionate giving to the to St John’s. 

Legacy Committee. This committee helps encourage parishioners to leave a financial gift to St. John’s in their will.   

Trustees. St John’s has been blessed by the financial legacies of many members. The committee supervises the management of these investments and authorizes an annual distribution to the Vestry for the support of our mission and ministry. 

History Preservation 

Archives. These history buffs get together weekly to research events, artifacts, and personalities from St John’s past. They produce literature and preserve records. 

Tour guide. With the growth of the downtown tourist industry, we anticipate many visitors to our building to view its beauty and to engage in prayer. Tour guides will assist pilgrims. 

Brass polishers. This group polishes the brass angels & railing in the sanctuary on a monthly basis. 


Pastoral Care. This ministry helps our parishioners who are sick or in some other urgent need by providing meals, other practical help, or just a card to cheer them up. 

Welcome and Evangelism Committee. This committee reviews all aspects of church life, including Sunday worship and the building, and suggests ways in which we may improve our welcome to, and incorporation of, visitors and newcomers. It supervises the Greeters (see above). In time, this group will also explore ways in which we can communicate the Christian Gospel to non-worshipers. 

Breakfast Crew. This dedicated group of men provides a nutritious and appealing breakfast from 8:30-10 a.m. on Sundays, between the two services.  

Men’s breakfast. Each month many of the men of St. John’s meet in the parish house for breakfast, fellowship, and a discussion. We enjoy speakers who lead us in exploring what it means to be a thoughtful Christian man in the world. 

Telephone Volunteers. This group answers the phones at the church office. Monday -Thursday volunteers man either a morning or afternoon shift. This is a great way to meet parishioners and be a smiling, welcome face to newcomers!

Wedding Guild Any time St. John’s hosts a wedding a member of the wedding guild is present to help the wedding party with the execution of the wedding. The wedding guild representative is at both the rehearsal and the wedding to help all members of the wedding party with their assigned roles. 


Vestry. St John’s is governed by a Vestry of eighteen elected members who each serve a term of three years. Together with the Rector, it oversees the legal and administrative affairs of the parish. It meets once a month on a Monday afternoon. Vestry members also serve as ushers during services. 

Diocesan Convention Delegates. Each year the Diocese holds a convention to review its life and work. St. John’s sends six delegates, who are elected at the Annual Parish Meeting in January each year. 


Building and Grounds Committee. God has given us a wonderful and solemn duty to care for our historic building. This committee spearheads this task, identifying maintenance work that needs to be done, and managing improvements.  

Labyrinth Guild. The labyrinth (located on the Madison Avenue side of the campus) is an important tool for spiritual growth and prayer. We are looking at ways to open this great resource to the parish and the people of Montgomery. 


Camera operator. This ministry plays a vital part in providing high quality worship opportunities, via our livestreams, for people who are worshiping at home. 

Digital Communications. This ministry is becoming more crucial in the life of St John’s. Volunteers are welcome to donate their tech or content-writing skills to help spread the word of all the great things happening at St. John’s.


Good Shepherd Partnership. This new ministry celebrates the partnership between Montgomery’s only historically black Episcopal parish (Good Shepherd) and St John’s. This relationship enriches all of us. 

Outreach Action Committee. This group coordinates with various organizations to create hands-on outreach opportunities for parishioners. 

Outreach Grants Committee. This committee oversees the parish’s outreach, which is focused on bringing wholeness to the under-resourced in essential areas of life. This group makes the decision as to what groups will receive a financial grant from St. John’s. 

St. John’s has many more outreach and mission partnerships, including Mercy House, Meals on Wheels, the Carver Backpack Program, and the Honduras Medical Mission team. 


Acolytes. Our young people ages 8-18+ serve the altar at St John’s at the 10:30 a.m. service. They are a vital part of the church, past, present and future. 

Altar Guild. This group of dedicated members works to prepare the altar for every service held throughout the week and during special occasions. 

Chimers. On Sundays and at special times, we ring the bells that are located in the steeple. 

Lectors. Lectors assist during the service by reading the daily lessons and the Prayers of the People. 

Eucharistic Ministers. These laypeople perform a vital service in our worship, administering the chalice during the Communion. 

Lay Eucharistic Visitors LEVs take already consecrated communion bread and wine to parishioners’ homes and offer the Eucharist to those who cannot make it to church. 

Enrichment Groups 

Daughters of the King. DOK is a national order of women within the Episcopal church. The mission of the DOK is prayer and evangelism. 

Episcopal Church Women. All adult women are members of ECW. This group organizes and runs many of St. John’s events, from receptions and pastoral care to weddings and the Bazaar.  

Small Groups. This new initiative aims to provide space and time for members of the parish to go deeper in their relationships and spiritual practices.  

 Young Adults Parishioners aged 21-40(ish) are invited to join Young Adults. This group get together once a month for a night out on the town or a covered dish supper at a member’s home. 

Cursillo.  Cursillo is a Diocesan event, led and staffed by lay people, for anyone in the parishes of Alabama who wishes to experience a deep and invigorating weekend Christian retreat.