Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The church is open to all. Come in, sit, rest, and pray.


7:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite I (In-person only)

9:15 Rector's Forum discussion group in Library

10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite II (both in-person and online via FB & YouTube)


7:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (In-person only) in Chapel

8:30 a.m. - Lectio Divinia Bible Study in Library


11:30 a.m. - Contemplative Prayer Group in Library


12:05 p.m. – Healing Eucharist, Rite II (In-person only) in Chapel

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Pentecost by John Birch


When was the last time
that we heard the wind of your Spirit
roar through this place?
When was the last time
your fire lit up this room?
When was the last time
we took you at your word
and met together in expectation
of your Spirit filling this place,
and these lives with your Glory and Power?
Lord, you challenge us with Pentecost.
Do we believe that this
was a once in eternity experience,
never to be repeated?
That the Holy Spirit was poured out
on your followers for a single purpose,
and ended His work at that instant?
If so, then maybe that is why the Church
seems so powerless in this age,
helpless when faced with the needs
both spiritual and physical,
that we see in the world.
Lord, as we meet together,
and celebrate once again
the memory of that first Pentecost,
may it be for us as it was then
a moment of empowerment,
an awareness of your Glory in this dark world,
a life-changing experience.


I happened upon this poem by John Birch, a Methodist minister in Wales. The honesty of his words resonate with the reality of the world. This Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost, remembering the power and presence of God’s Spirit in this world, and specifically, in the lives of God’s people. Birch questions our willingness to remember and to respond to the Holy Spirit today. Yes, we recall the moment in Acts when the Spirit descended upon thousands inspiring them to continue the ministry of Jesus as active followers proclaiming the good news of God in Christ, calling for repentance of sins and inviting others to baptism – a belonging in the family of God and the Church. I encourage us to accept that Pentecost is not a moment in time to memorialize, but a reminder that God’s Spirit is always present us empowering us to live more fully in the work set before us as disciples of Jesus. 


Peace, John