‘Go Ahead to Galilee’ – The 194th Convention of the Diocese of Alabama

194 years! That’s a long time. How amazing, then, that there have only been 12 diocesan bishops. The truth is obvious – if you want to live a long and happy life, become the Bishop of Alabama. Actually, our Diocese is a happy and healthy place, and last weekend’s Convention in Decatur proved it. The […]
Bishop Glenda Approves Mawande for Ordination to the Diaconate

I’m thrilled to tell you that, after a long process of discernment, Bishop Glenda has admitted Mawande Mzongwana into ‘Candidacy for Holy Orders’. Mawande will be ordained a deacon very soon and will serve at St John’s for the remainder of the year. During this time she will continue her work at the EJI, and […]
Welcome Mark Waldo!

Good News, Everyone! You know how St. John’s has had only one clergyperson since Deonna Neal left for Colorado Springs last May? You know how we’ve suffered without the dynamism and richness that comes from a team of clergy (instead of a one-priest-band)? You know how when I’m on vacation we need to import a […]
A Word, Wrapped in Human Flesh – a message from the rector

A few years ago I was riding my bike in Harrisburg, the state capital of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The sky was overcast, but the weather forecast estimated the chance of rain at less than 20%. I’m not a gambling man, but I was happy to wager that I’d get back to the church […]
Repentance: The New Wonder Drug? – a message from the rector

“Do you suffer from moderate to severe sin? This chronic condition occurs in 100% of the human race. You may be plagued by symptoms such as doing things you swore you would not do, saying things you were determined not to say, leaving undone tasks you promised to do, holding your tongue when there was […]
Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be…(a message from the rector)

I grew up with a dirty little secret. Actually, it was my grandmother’s dirty little secret, but I was complicit. Nanny, as we called her, has been dead now for thirty years, so she can’t sue me for telling your all about her guilty pleasure. So here goes. Cowboys. Yup. Cowboys. She loved them. When […]